Iron Age Syria workshop, Sept. 13, 2021 - schedule & abstracts
Workhop/Seminar on Maritime and Coastal Archaeology, June 3, 21
Workshop: Cult & Interaction in EB and IB - April 22, 2021
"Egyptiaca outside of Egypt" workshop - recordings of meeting
Psalm 51 recited in two Aramaic dialects
Upcoming event: "New Studies on Iron Age Syria and Nearby Regions" (Sept. 13, 2021)
Upcoming event: Minerva Zoom Workshop "Egyptiaca outside of Egypt" on April 7-8, 202
Upcoming meeting: "Cult and Interaction in the Early and Intermediate Bronze Ages" - April 22, 2021
Volume 2 of the RIAB Series has appeared
2nd volume of the RIAB Center series
New book on the Aramaic “Targum Chronicles” by Leeor Gottlieb
“Targums Wordmap” – A New Tool for Aramaic Targum Studies
Cancellation of Prof. Thomas Schneider’s lecture - January 2020
1st volume of RIAB Series – Table of Contents
Lecture by Prof. Thomas Schneider (Jan. 28, 2020)
First notice on the 5th Annual Conference of the RIAB Minerva Center (Leipzig/Berlin, 8-11.6.2020)
4th Annual Meeting of the RIAB Center (May 27-29, 2019)
Interim schedule for RIAB Center activities for the 2018-19 academic year
Final Program of Conference: “Biblical Exegesis through the Ages”
Reminder: Abel Beth Maacah Workshop: April 26, 2018 (Hebrew University)