Dr. Haya Katz
Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee
Hayah Katz is a senior lecturer of Iron Age archaeology at the Department of Land of Israel Studies at the Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee. She deals with the comprehensive study of settlement processes in the Galilee region during the first millennium BCE with an emphasis on ceramic research. As part of this research, she directs the Tel Rosh excavations. In addition, she focuses on the history of archaeological research in the Land of Israel from the 1920s until modern times. To develop this field, she founded a Chair named after Zev Vilnay which is dedicated to the study of the history of research on the Land of Israel and its archaeology (https://vilnay.kinneret.ac.il).
Selected Publications:
A. Scientific Books (Refereed)
Authored Books
1. Katz, H. 2008. A Land of Corn and Wine … a Land of Olive-Trees and of Honey: The Economy of Judah Kingdom in the First Temple Period. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi. (Hebrew) [230 pp.]
Accepted for Publication
2. Katz, H. (Forthcoming in 2023). The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology: A Socio-Historical Perspective on an Emerging Discipline. Routledge: London; New York.
B. Other Scientific Publications
1. Katz, H. 2008. Ruth Amiran: A Biography. Haifa: Pardes. (Hebrew) [193 pp.]
C. Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Pagelson, Y., Katz, H. and Goren, Y. 2022. The Geopolitics of the Upper Galilee at the Dawn of the Iron Age: A Petrographic Study of Mt. Adir. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01462-6.
2. Katz, H. 2021. Mt. Adir: An Iron I Polity in the Upper Galilee?. Tel-Aviv 48: 171–198.
3. Sapir, Y., Sarah, P., Sapir, Y., Katz, H.and Faust, A. 2021. Topsoil Formation Processes as Indicated from Geoarchaeological Investigations at Tel ‘Eton, Israel, and Its Environment. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 21: 85–107.
4. Katz, H. and Faust A. 2021. Three Iron Age Ceramic Assemblages from the Tel 'Eton Cemetery. Atiqot 130: 121–139.
5. Katz, H. and Levin Y. 2021. Tel Rosh: The Forgotten Rehob in the Upper Galilee. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 153: 24–41.
6. Katz, H. 2020. Settlement Processes in the Meron Ridges during the Iron Age I. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 383: 1–18.
7. Faust, A., Katz, H., Sapir, Y., Avraham, A., Sadiel-Gugenheim, T., Bar-Oz, G., Weiss, E., Auman-Chazan, H., Vilnay, O., Tsesarsky, M., Pariente, S. and Mastai, I. 2017. The Birth, Life and Death of an Iron Age House at Tel 'Eton, Israel: A Preliminary Report. Levant 49: 136–173.
8. Faust A. and Katz H. 2017. The Archaeology of Purity and Impurity: A Case-Study from Tel 'Eton, Israel. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 27: 1–27.
9. Faust, A. and Katz, H. 2016. Tel 'Eton Cemetery: An Introduction. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 5: 171–186.
10. Katz, H. 2016. The Religious Zionist Society Attitude to Archaeology during the Years 1948–1967. Cathedra 160: 105–122. (Hebrew)
11. Faust, A., Katz, H. and Eyal, P. 2015. Late Persian – Early Hellenistic Remains at Tel 'Eton: A Preliminary Report (2006-2014). Tel-Aviv42: 103–126.
12. Faust, A. and Katz, H. 2015. A Canaanite Town, a Judahite Center, and a Persian Period Fort: Excavating Over Two Thousand Years of History at Tel 'Eton. Near Eastern Archaeology 78: 87–102.
13. Faust, A., Katz, H., Ben-Shlomo D., Eyal, P. and Sapir, Y. 2014. Tel 'Eton from the Late Bronze Age to the Persian Period and Its Interregional Contacts: Between Highlands and Lowlands. Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins 130: 43–76.
14. Katz, H. and Faust, A. 2014. The Chronology of the Iron Age IIA in Judah in Light of Tel 'Eton Tomb C3 and Other Assemblages. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 371: 103–127.
15. Faust, A. and Katz, H. 2012. Survey, Shovel Tests and Excavations at Tel 'Eton: Preliminary Notes on Methodology and Site History. Tel Aviv 29: 158–185.
16. Katz, H. 2012. ‘He Shall Bathe in Water; Then He Shall Be Pure’: Must He Immerse?. Vetus Testamentum 62: 369–380.
17. Katz, H. and Faust, A 2012. The Assyrian Destruction Layer at Tel 'Eton. Israel Exploration Journal 62: 22–53.
18. Faust, A. and Katz, H. 2011. Philistines, Israelites and Canaanites in the Southern Trough Valley during the Iron Age I. Egypt and the Levant 21: 231–247.
19. Katz, H. and Faust, A. 2011. The Assyrian Destruction Layer at Tel 'Eton. Eretz-Israel30: 256–274. (Hebrew)
20. Katz, H. 2009. Population Increase and the Olive Oil Industry in 8th-Century BCE Judah. Cathedra 130: 5–16. (Hebrew)
21. Katz, H. 2008. The Ship from Uluburun and the Ship from Tyre: An International Trade Network in the Ancient Near East. Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästina-Vereins 124: 1–15.
22. Katz, H. 2007. Tel Zeitun. Qamma 1: 35–40. (Hebrew)
23. Katz, H. 2006. Methodological Aspects in the Research of Women’s Status in the Biblical Period. Beit-Mikra51: 72–84. (Hebrew)
24. Katz, H. 2004. Commercial Activity in the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Tel-Aviv 31: 268–277.
25. Katz, H. 1998. A Note on the Date of the ‘Great Wall’ of Tell En-Nasbeh. Tel-Aviv 25: 131–133.
D. Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books
1. Katz, H. 2022. The Phoenician Presence in the Mountainous Upper Galilee during the Iron Age II period. Pp. 213–222 in Material, Method, and Context. Papers on the First Millennium BCE in the Eastern Mediterranean Presented to Ilan Sharon on the Occasion of His Retirement (Ägypten und Altes Testament 110), eds. U. Davidovich, N. Yahalom-Mack and S. Matskevich. Münster: Zaphon.
2. Katz, H. 2018. The Pottery Assemblage of the 8th Century: A Concluding Observation. Pp. 307–335 in Archaeology and History of Eighth-Century Judah, eds. Z.I. Farber and J.L. Wright. Atlanta: SBL Press.
3. Katz, H. 2011. The Royal Estates in Judah Kingdom in the View of the Archaeological Finds. Pp. 239–251 in Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Shmuel Vargon, eds. M. Garsiel, R. Kasher, A. Frisch and D. Elgavish. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan Press. (Hebrew)
4. Katz, H. and Faust, A. 2011. Distribution and Use of Storage Vessels in the Kingdom of Judah. Pp. 175–184 in The Fire Signals of Lachish: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin, eds. I. Finkelstein and N. Na'aman. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
5. Katz, H. 1998. Specialized Economy of Judea in the 8th – 7th Centuries B.C.E. Pp. 245–252 in Judea and Samaria Research Studies: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting 1997, ed. Y. Eshel. Kedumim–Ariel: Ariel College. (Hebrew)
E. Entries in Encyclopedias
1. Katz, H. 2013. Economy. Pp. 337–345 in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, Vol. 1, ed. D. Master. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Refereed)
2. Katz, H. 2013. Shiloh. Pp. 365–369 in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, Vol. 2, ed. D. Master. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Refereed)
F. Other Scientific Publications
1. Katz, H. 2017. Review of "The Ancient Pottery of Israel and Its Neighbors from the Iron Age through the Hellenistic Period". Journal of Near Eastern Studies 76: 369–372.