Dr. Judith Filitz
Reformed Alliance in Germany
Judith E. Filitz (*1984) studied theology and theatre science in Leipzig, Halle/Saale and Jerusalem. After graduating in 2012, she had a position as research assistant for Prof. Angelika Berlejung (Institute for Old Testament Studies, Theological Faculty, Leipzig University) for six years. During this time, she worked on her PhD on Habakkuk 3 (receiving the doctorate in 2018). From 2018-2020, she was a trainee minister at Church of Lippe. In 2020-21, she worked for the Reformed Alliance in Germany as the director of the revision of the „Reformed Liturgy“. Since 2021, she has a position as an "Akademische Rätin" at the Chair of Protestant Theology with a focus on Biblical Theology at the University of Augsburg. Her research interests include Old Testament Studies (exilic prophecy, psalms, hermeneutics), religion history of the Levant and the ancient Near East as well as ancient ritual and theatrical practices in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Selected Publications:
Gott unterwegs: Die traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Hintergründe des Habakukliedes, ORA 36, Tübingen 2020
Masken im Altertum: Zwischen Religion und Kunst, Mainz 2018
Editorial board:
together with Angelika Berlejung: The Physicality of the Other: Masks from the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean, ORA 27, Tübingen 2018
Of Masks and Men. Masks from Different Perspectives, in: Berlejung, Angelika/Filitz, Judith E. (eds.): The Physicality of the Other: Masks from the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean, ORA 27, Tübingen 2018, 3–27
At the Threshold of Ritual and Theater: Another Means on Looking at a Mesopotamian Ritual, in: Oshima, Takayoshi M. (ed.): Teaching Morality in Antiquity: Wisdom Texts, Oral Traditions, and Images, ORA 29, Tübingen 2019, 233–250
Atalja, in: wibilex.de 2019: https://www.bibelwissenschaft.de/stichwort/14165/
Ela, in: wibilex.de 2019: https://www.bibelwissenschaft.de/stichwort/17184/
Kultmaske, in: wibilex.de (forthcoming)