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First RIAB workshop – Nov. 5th, 2015

The first workshop of the RIAB Minerva Center will be held at Bar-Ilan University, on Nov. 5th, 2015.

The workshop will be entitled:

כתובות ניחוש ארמיות קדומות ממרשה: טקסט, הקשר ומקבילות

Ancient Aramaic Divinations from Maresha: Text, Context and Comparison

The workshop, which is coordinated is Prof. Esti Eshel, will deal with the Aramaic ostraca from Maresha, and their connections to broader issues.

The workshop, which will be conducted in Hebrew, will include introductory lectures by several scholars, and then a hands-on workshop dealing with these fascinating inscriptions.

The workshop is meant for senior, mid-career and junior scholars, as well as advanced students.

Below is the Hebrew invitation to the workshop. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact Prof. Esti Eshel –



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